This SOLID STATE High Accuracy advanced Pitch / Roll / Temperature compensated COMPASS / MAGNETOMETER system is built around a state of the art CMOS microcontroller utilizing AOSI's proprietary algorithm on a 1.5" × 2" assembled PCB with a total height including tilt sensing elements of less than 0.5".
The unit outputs continuous heading, magnetic field, dual axis tilt and temperature data over the standard RS-232 and RS-422 and RS-485* interfaces. The AZIMUTH is generated from a 3 axis semiconductor magnetometer with 12 bit (0.08 deg) resolution, & the accuracy can be achieved equal to or better than 0.250.
The LINEAR tilt information is available with 12 bit resolution for ±90arcdeg in Pitch axis and FULL 360arcdeg in Roll axis. COMPASS/TILT module is perfectly suitable for numerous applications like navigation, research and other precision orientation, navigation and leveling applications.